Sunday, March 17, 2013

Google launched a new service take on Evernote / Pocket

As insiders will tell you, the code don't lie, and another new service has been found hidden in the code for Google Drive. It's unclear exactly what the product is, but it seems to be a note-taking service similar to Evernote or Pocket, and it will go by the name Google Keep.

Google Keep is apparently codenamed "Memento", and there are a few trails leading back to it. For example, the URL
Google may take on Evernote/Pocket with Google Keep
directs you to a fake "page not found", and the URL redirects to a nonexistent Play Store app. Additionally, the favicons for the service can be found at both and

Interestingly, there is a link found for it in a screenshot for Instant Preview in the Android browser from way back in July of 2012. It looks as though the "Add to Google Keep" link will save website snippets from Search directly to the Google Keep app, which will be part of Google Drive.

So, Google Keep could just be a Pocket/Instagram type of app, or we think it may be something of a rebranding of Google Tasks, and could be a more comprehensive read later/notebook app, similar to Evernote. Whatever it is, it seems like it has been in the works for a while, so it's unclear if we should expect this to really show up, or if the project may have already been put aside.

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