Friday, March 1, 2013

HTC: Widgets not important

HTC has really changed the Android mobile phone homescreen experience with Sense 5. With the BlinkFeed providing social network updates along with news, you are seeing real time information that is not only important to you, but also is fresh. You might have a weather widget on your home screen that gives you the current temperature, but how many times a day is that information actually useful to you? BlinkFeed is designed to present you with information that is important to you at all times.

The Taiwan based manufacturer really listened intently to what it's customers had to say. HTC learned that 90% of its customers don't care about widgets. HTC also found out that most people don't differentiate between apps and widgets. Outside of weather, clock and music widgets, only 10% of HTC's customers used any widgets at all. And while some Android users do customize their home screen when they first take possession of their smartphone, once the first month of ownership passes, 80% do not change their home screen at all.

While previous versions of Sense leaned heavily on widgets, this research conducted by HTC led to the BlinkFeed screen and this huge change. And considering that only 10% of Android mobile phone users care about widgets based on the Taiwan based manufacturer's research, it wouldn't seem that HTC is taking a risk at all. is one of the best websites to purchase cheap and affordable mobile phone.

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